Drilling of initial conductor borehole ready to commence
Drilling the initial conductor borehole
Mobilization of WDC's reverse circulation drilling rig
Drilling crew making a pipe connection
WDC drilling rig in place
Preparation of wireline logging tool string
Final inspection of wireline logging tools before rigging
Wireline logging tools about to be lowered into hole drilled to
top of Supai formation
Mobilization of Bearcat's double-stand rig
Mobilization of Bearcat's double-stand rig
Erected mast of rig with the ash pond and the Cholla Power Plant
in background
Hard rock tri-cone drill bit
On the drilling rig floor
Kelly and drill string awaiting a new pipe connection
Pipe rack and pipe sections ready for hoisting
Drilling crew hoisting a pipe section
Making up drill collars
Drilling crew making a pipe connection
Tightening the connection
Mud logger collecting chip samples from the Supai Formation
Mud logger examining formation cuttings under a microscope to
ascertain the rock composition
Chemical testing of drilling mud properties
Kirk Delaune, Drilling Site Manager, explains how monitoring
tools inform on-site decision-making
Site visit by partners: from left to right, Dennis Shirley, Kevin Wanttaja, John Roznovak, Kirk Delaune, and Cassius McChesney
Conclusion of another successful day of drilling alongside the
Cholla ash pond