Drilling Activity for August 3, 2009 |
Well: APS Cholla Pilot CO2 Well |
Rig: WDC Rig 161 |
Activity: Drilling |
Drilling progressed from 375 ft to 472 ft at an average rate of penetration (ROP) of 8.5 ft/hr. A steel air line inside the kelly sheared off while drilling. The workstring was short-tripped to engage the air line inside the drill string, and the line was repaired (welded). Drilling resumed and continued from 472 ft to 512 ft at an average ROP of 5.5 ft/hr. |
Observations |
- Daily activities summarized to 6:00 am.
- Drilling measurements are referenced from the kelly bushing (KB) of Bearcat drilling rig (12 ft above grade level).
- Conductor pipe: 14" OD, set at 47 ft below the KB.
- Mud loggers indicate 100% sand (Coconino formation).
- Water losses to formation increased - 660 bbl lost during last 36 hrs.
- Received 9-5/8-inch surface casing and float equipment.
Drilling Activity for August 4, 2009 |
Well: APS Cholla Pilot CO2 Test Well |
Rig: WDC Rig 161 |
Activity: Stuck in Hole at 484 ft. |
Drilling progressed from 512 ft to 534 ft at an average rate of penetration (ROP) of 7.3 ft/hr. An inclination survey was obtained at 500 ft (1 deg). Drilling resumed and continued from 534 ft to 540 ft. Drilling was suspended to replace packing in the kelly swivel. Three joints of drill pipe were laid down and the kelly was lowered down into the wellbore to access the swivel. WDC replaced the swivel packing, but was unable to lift the work string after completing the task. Efforts to free the stuck pipe were unsuccessful. The inner air line was installed through the kelly and circulation of the hole was achieved. A small amount of cuttings were recovered. Wireline pipe recovery equipment was sourced and dispatched to the site. WDC continued circulating the hole and worked the pipe intermittently throughout the night. |
Observations |
- Daily activities summarized to 6:00 am.
- Drilling measurements are referenced from kelly bushing (KB) of Bearcat drilling rig 12 ft above ground level (GL).
- Conductor pipe: 14" OD, set at 47 ft KB
- Mud loggers indicate 100% sand (Coconino formation).
- Water losses to formation: 480 bbl/24 hrs; Cumulative: 1140 bbl.
Drilling Activity
July 31, 2009
August 1-2, 2009